
First off, this game was supposed to be much shorter, even as an already short enough game.

I created this game because I wanted to learn how to make my own 3D models. I leaned towards Blender since it was free and open source. The learning curve was quite large but I managed to complete one of the beginner guide tutorials from Grant Abbitt on YouTube (he has great resources on all things blender!) and afterward I found more success in just playing around blender on my own and looking up specific things whenever I got stuck.

Regarding the modeling, I decided to go with a low-poly style since its much easier to create and more fun to make in the process (decimate modifier is my best friend). My animation is also minimal but I have a better understanding how to do it too! And slowly realizing that rigging a whole character skeleton is a whole lot more work than I thought. (I ended up just only animating the legs) Who knew bone structure could be so complicated T_T

At the end of the project I did run into some build issues. I currently use Yarn Spinner for my dialogue systems (love it btw) and during the middle of the project they had an update and set the minimum Unity project to v2021. And yes, my version was not v2021, but v2020 *cries*.

I couldn't continue using the old version because of some build errors and after talking to some of the devs from YS, I had to either hack a patch on the dated Unity version or just upgrade Unity. I opted for the latter.
It honestly wasn't that bad though! At the end I just needed to remove some YS files that were incompatible, update some of the models (for some reason they all turned super shiny), and that was it! It did take a whole day though. So now on v2022 for Unity at least.

Overall, definitely learned a lot on the 3D modeling side and I really like using Blender now! Learned some more tips and tricks with Unity and I can't wait to put all that into the next game :)

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