Blender Process

It was super fun working with and trying to learn Blender as I was making these models. Added a few model screenshots and some processes behind the scene.

I included my first version of the main character, and once again the Decimate modifier is my best friend here and gave it that nice texture in the end product (also bigger eyes seemed a lot more cuter than the original tiny ones). Some include screenshots of meshes with their bones (sounds morbid TBH) for animation purposes. Also one of the first screenshot of what the main game scene looked like before all the details were added in. 

One of my most favorite ones to make was the wood cutting models. Couple things I learned from that one

  1. I do not need to make multiple new .blend files per model. I can use the same blend file and export multiple different models (.FBX files) out of it (could have saved myself more clicks)
  2. The knife tool is SO cool. Once I found out how to actually get it to cut (all I had to do was press "Enter"! *Facepalm*)
  3. Ratios between Blender Units and Unity Units are much easier once I actually apply both scale and rotation to the mesh before exporting. Imagine a scale of 5x in Blender and somehow I get a scale of 100x in Unity (exaggerating but honestly the math wasn't mathing here when it came to scale)
  4. Adding bones to mesh. I have to click on the mesh FIRST and then the bones, or they never connect and parent right. (this isn't related to the wood stuff, but it bothered me for too long)
  5. Check face orientation if in doubt, it shows a nice contrast of blue and red to show if faces are inside out or not

A couple of other things too when working on the other models but those are the ones I can think of now. It was definitely good practice trying to make all the assets myself. 

Oh I didn't even talk about the process yet. It mostly went like this (after the initial planning phase of what the game is about):

  1. Think of a cool/cute design in my head
  2. Try to make it myself in Blender
  3. Get stuck (most likely) on how to do something
  4. Quick YouTube + Google Fu searches (and a couple hours of learning to do said thing)
  5. Do the thing
  6. Be judgmental on my own skills for a bit
  7. Happy regardless of outcome
  8. Repeat for other needed assets

Basically it!

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